Why Tessellate?

You want to drive business value, but knowing which path to take, and the drawbacks of each path, can be confusing. Due to the complex nature of measurement, most companies fall into the trap of measuring incorrectly or paying consultants tens of thousands of dollars for a single test. Tessellate specializes in causal analysis and therefore has streamlined the process to quickly bring value to your business or organization.

Common Casual Analysis Traps Companies Fall For:

Randomized Experiment

The traditional, academic randomized experiment requires large commitments to be statistically valid.

Often impractical in scale and risk – businesses do not operate in a petri dish!

Best suited for things like FDA trials and political polling.

Before / After Comparison

This method compares data points prior to the treatment with data points after the treatment. It seems seems logical but can often lead to misinterpreted results as this method ignores factors such as seasonality or short term trends making it a risky approach for businesses.

Rest of Market Test

Comparing treatments with the rest of the market presents the risk of making an apples to oranges comparison.

There is no controlling specific factors that might properly guide your business to the right decision.

Legacy Consultants

Existing large-scale data providers often also provide measurement services, but there are three main drawbacks:

They are slow – services are often rendered in months

They are expensive – often costing tens of thousands of dollars

They have limited approaches – often only working with their data and not yours

The Tessellate Advantage

Each method has significant draw backs in either time, scale, or cost. Tessellate solves this by meeting businesses where they are – Taking existing experiments and using statistics backed algorithms to find baseline performance and analyze lift.

Move Fast

In contrast to traditional providers, turnaround time for a Tessellate project is generally only 5 - 10 business days, generating insights for your business faster than ever before.

Bring Your own Data

Put your own data to work. Tessellate works with your own data and doesn't require you to subscribe to any proprietary datasets first.

Reasonable Cost

Traditional consultants and data providers in this space often charge tens of thousands of dollars. Tessellate specializes in experimental design projects allowing us to streamline the process and pass savings onto you.

State of the Art Solutions

Tessellate has the right tools for your particular need. Whether it be a matched market analysis, synthetic control, or a more traditional econometrics approach, we are confident in our process and our record of success.

Ready to Get Started?

Share a little about your project with us and we will craft a solution to meet your needs.